Arts and Cultural Exchange Grants
Arts and Cultural Exchange Grants Program | Japan Foundation Yangon

About the Grant:
The Japan Foundation plays a vital role in promoting cultural exchange by providing financial support to individuals and organizations engaged in such initiatives. It offers grants specifically aimed at facilitating exhibitions and stage performances that highlight the richness of Japanese arts and culture. Additionally, the foundation extends its support to individuals and non-profit organizations involved in implementing various Japanese cultural exchange projects.
Recognizing the importance of language education, the Japan Foundation also focuses on enhancing the professional skills of Japanese-language teachers through specialized programs. These initiatives aim to improve the quality of Japanese language instruction and promote effective communication and understanding.
Furthermore, the foundation extends its support to universities and research institutes dedicated to the study of Japanese studies. By providing assistance to these academic institutions, the Japan Foundation helps foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Japanese culture and its diverse aspects.
The Japan Foundation offers a range of Arts and Cultural Exchange Programs designed to facilitate the sharing of Japanese art and culture worldwide.
1. Overseas Exhibitions Support Program:
This program provides financial support to museums and art institutions outside of Japan that organize exhibitions featuring Japanese art and culture. It also extends assistance to international exhibitions, including biennials and triennials, that showcase the works of Japanese artists to a global audience.
2. Translation and Publication Support Program on Japan:
The Translation and Publication Support Program encourages overseas publishers to translate and publish works originally written in Japanese. By providing partial financial support, the program aims to promote a deeper understanding of Japan by making Japanese books accessible to international readers. The grants cover expenses related to translation and publication, including costs for paper, typesetting, platemaking, printing, and binding.
3. Ishibashi Foundation / The Japan Foundation Fellowship for Research on Japanese Art (Individual Applicant only):
This fellowship opportunity supports the professional growth of experts specializing in the study of Japanese visual arts. Curators and researchers from around the world are invited to conduct research in Japan, thereby contributing to the advancement of knowledge in this field. The fellowship is administered by the Japan Foundation in collaboration with the Ishibashi Foundation, which generously provides the funding for this program.
Through these programs, the Japan Foundation aims to facilitate cultural exchange, foster a deeper appreciation for Japanese art and culture, and promote cross-cultural understanding on a global scale.