
Burns Fellowship Programme 2024

Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Programme 2024 / German, US, and Canadian journalists

The Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Programme 2024 is currently accepting applications. This fellowship provides an opportunity for German, US, and Canadian journalists between the ages of 21-40 to work for two months in a host media organization of their choice. The fellows serve as foreign correspondents for their home media, gaining first-hand knowledge of politics, business, and culture in the host country while integrating into the host newsroom. The program aims to support talented journalists and improve news coverage of transatlantic issues, strengthening the transatlantic relationship. German participants receive a budget of €4,000 EUR, while American fellows receive $5,500 USD, covering transatlantic flights and a portion of travel and living expenses. Eligible applicants should be employed by a newspaper, news magazine, broadcast station, news agency, or work freelance and/or online, and should demonstrate journalistic talent and a strong interest in North American-European affairs. German language proficiency is encouraged but not required. The application process requires a curriculum vitae, passport picture, a summary of professional objectives in the host country, and a letter of recommendation from the supervising editor, supporting the application and guaranteeing the applicant’s release from commitments during the program.

Fellowship Type:
Arthur F. Burns Fellowship Programme 2024.

Application Requirements:
– German and US/Canadian journalists between the ages of 21-40.
– Employed by a newspaper, news magazine, broadcast station, news agency, or work freelance and/or online.
– Demonstrated journalistic talent and a strong interest in North American-European affairs.
– German language proficiency is encouraged but not required.

Fellowship Benefits:
– German participants receive a budget of €4,000 EUR, while American fellows receive $5,500 USD.
– Covers transatlantic flights and a portion of travel and basic living expenses.
– No payment for work in the host organization.

Opportunity for journalists to work for two months in a host media organization, serving as foreign correspondents and gaining first-hand knowledge of politics, business, and culture in the host country.

Program Details:
Aims to support talented journalists and improve news coverage of transatlantic issues, strengthening the transatlantic relationship.

Application Time:
The application is open from Monday, January 1, 2024, to Friday, March 1, 2024.

Application Process:
Submit a curriculum vitae, passport picture, summary of professional objectives in the host country, and a letter of recommendation from the supervising editor to IJP. The letter of recommendation should support the application and guarantee the applicant’s release from commitments during the program.

Apply Now

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