Arthritis Society Canada – 2024
Arthritis Society Canada Strategic Operating Grants in Canada 2024

Arthritis Society Canada: Research Grants for a Brighter Future (2024)
Calling all arthritis researchers in Canada!
The Arthritis Society Canada offers Strategic Operating Grants (SOG) to support innovative research aligned with their priorities. This is your chance to make a real difference in the lives of millions affected by arthritis.
We’re looking for research proposals that focus on:
- Pain Management: Understanding pain mechanisms, translating scientific discoveries into practice, and developing new personalized treatment approaches.
- Osteoarthritis (OA): Uncovering the causes and progression of OA, sex and gender differences in patients, and creating better self-management tools.
- Inflammatory Arthritis (IA): Understanding causes, developing personalized treatments, improving symptom management, and promoting effective communication between patients and doctors.
- Childhood Arthritis: Understanding causes for earlier detection and diagnosis, developing safe and effective therapies, and ensuring smooth transitions to adult healthcare.
- Work-Related Arthritis: Informing workplace policies, providing tools and resources for managing arthritis at work, and preventing workplace disability.
Consumer Engagement & Sex/Gender Considerations are Key:
- Include the voices of consumers in your research and describe their involvement.
- Account for sex as a biological variable and/or gender as a social factor in your study design.
Get Started Today!
- Review the program documents and Arthritis Society Canada’s Research Strategy.
- Visit our website for application details and deadlines ([link to program website] if available).
Together, we can conquer arthritis!