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How to Give and Receive Compliments

How to Give and Receive Compliments Gracefully

How to Give and Receive Compliments Gracefully

Compliments are powerful tools for building connections and boosting morale. Whether you’re on the giving or receiving end, handling compliments with grace enhances your social interactions. Let’s explore how to navigate compliments effectively:

Giving Compliments:

  1. Be Specific: Instead of a generic compliment like “You’re smart,” be more precise. For instance, say, “I was impressed with the way you solved that problem.”
  2. Be Genuine: People quickly pick up on insincere compliments. Focus on qualities, strengths, or achievements that truly resonate.
  3. Focus Beyond Appearances: While it’s fine to compliment someone’s outfit, also acknowledge their skills, character, or contributions.

Receiving Compliments:

  1. Simply Say “Thank You”: When someone praises you, the easiest response is a genuine “Thank you.” Avoid overthinking or deflecting the compliment.
  2. Avoid Self-Deprecation: Refrain from downplaying your achievements. Instead of saying, “It was nothing,” acknowledge the effort you put in.
  3. Learn to Accept Praise: Recognize that accepting compliments graciously is a sign of confidence and self-worth.

Remember, compliments are gifts—receive them with gratitude and give them sincerely. 🌟


  1. Harvard Business Review: How to Give and Receive Compliments at Work
  2. Counselor Keri: Mindfulness Group Activity: Give and Receive Compliments
  3. Verywell Mind: 100+ Positivity-Boosting Compliments


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