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UK – Germany Bilateral Grant

UK - Germany Bilateral: Collaborative R&D Round 3 - Spark Innovation, Join Forces


This grant fuels collaborative research and development (R&D) projects between UK and German businesses. Backed by Innovate UK and BMWK (Germany), it offers up to £4 million to develop innovative solutions in cutting-edge technologies, fostering stronger ties between both nations.


  • Innovate UK (UK)
  • Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) (Germany)


  • Collaboration only: This competition requires joint projects between UK and German SMEs.
  • Lead applicant (UK):
    • UK-registered business of any size
    • Must involve at least one grant-claiming UK-registered SME
  • Partner (Germany):
    • German-registered SME applying under the ZIM program


  • Funding: Up to £4 million to support your collaborative R&D project.
  • Partnership: Access expertise, resources, and markets in both the UK and Germany.
  • Innovation: Develop cutting-edge solutions in emerging technologies like AI, quantum, and green tech.
  • Global impact: Contribute to advancing global competitiveness and knowledge sharing.


  • Opens: February 5, 2024
  • Closes: June 3, 2024

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