For individualsGrant

BGV Pitch Competition

Black Girl Ventures Grant


The BGV Pitch Competition is an exhilarating platform that empowers underrepresented entrepreneurs and fosters innovation and inclusivity. With a commitment to driving positive change in the startup ecosystem, the BGV (Black Girl Ventures) Pitch Competition invites aspiring founders from diverse backgrounds to showcase their business ideas and compete for funding and resources. This transformative competition provides a stage for underrepresented voices to be heard, offering a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to gain visibility, access capital, and make their entrepreneurial dreams a reality.


To participate in the BGV Pitch Competition, entrepreneurs must meet the following requirements:

1. Underrepresented background: The competition is specifically open to founders from underrepresented backgrounds, including Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities and women. BGV aims to amplify the voices and experiences of those traditionally marginalized in the startup ecosystem.

2. Innovative business idea: Present a compelling and innovative business idea that has the potential for growth and impact. Showcase your unique value proposition, market analysis, and revenue model. Demonstrate how your venture addresses a market need and sets itself apart from competitors.

3. Early-stage startup: The competition is geared towards early-stage startups or businesses that are in the ideation or early growth phase. Whether you have just launched your venture or are in the process of developing a prototype or minimum viable product (MVP), BGV welcomes your participation.

4. Commitment to diversity and inclusion: Showcase your commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social impact. Highlight how your business contributes to creating a more equitable and inclusive society, whether through job creation, community engagement, or other means of positive change.

5. Passion and drive: Convey your passion, dedication, and readiness to pursue your entrepreneurial journey. Demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate your vision, adapt to challenges, and drive your business towards success.


The specific dates for the BGV Pitch Competition may vary each year. To stay updated on the latest information regarding application dates, submission deadlines, and competition dates, it is recommended to visit the official BGV website or directly contact the competition organizers.

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