AmericaApplication conditions and proceduresFor individualsGrant

NASA Grant Opportunity

TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team (NNH24ZDA001N-TEMPOACX)

NASA Grant Opportunity: TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team (NNH24ZDA001N-TEMPOACX)


This is a grant opportunity from NASA for the TEMPO/ACX Science and Applications Team. TEMPO is the Tropospheric Emissions Monitoring of Pollution instrument scheduled for launch in 2024. This grant will support a team to develop and use data from TEMPO to improve understanding of air quality.


  • Proposals requesting funding for non-U.S. personnel should follow specific guidelines (see full announcement)

Important Dates

  • Optional Notice of Intent: Due August 30, 2024 via NSPIRES
  • Application Due Date: October 18, 2024
  • Archive Date: November 17, 2024

How to Apply

  • Full announcement with detailed instructions and application materials.
  • NSPIRES website: (This link will take you to the ROSES website where you can find more information about this and other grant opportunities)
  • Contact Information:
    • Barry Lefer (NASA): (202) 358-3857,
    • Andrew Heidinger (NOAA): (608) 395-5979,

Additional Information

The ROSES-24 solicitation includes amendments that offer new opportunities and delay deadlines. Some of the amendments focus on Earth science, while others focus on space missions like Lucy and Euclid.

Here are some of the key details from the amendments:

  • New Opportunities: New funding opportunities have been added to the ROSES-24 solicitation. For example, there is a new call for proposals for research on the impacts of climate change on human health.

You can find more information about the amendments to the ROSES-24 solicitation on the NASA website.

Here are some links that may be helpful:

Official Link 
Apply Now

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