Job vacancies

Senior Adviser (S)

Senior Adviser (S)- OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Vienna


This position is open for secondment only and participating States are kindly reminded that all costs in relation to an assignment at the Office of the Representative on Freedom of the Media must be borne by their authorities.

Candidates should, prior to applying, verify with their respective nominating authority to which extent financial remuneration and/or benefit packages will be offered. Seconded staff members in the OSCE Secretariat and Institutions are not entitled to a Board and Lodging Allowance payable by the Organization.

The OSCE has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects. It therefore addresses a wide range of security-related concerns, including arms control, confidence- and security-building measures, human rights, combating human trafficking, national minorities, democratization, policing strategies, counter-terrorism and economic and environmental activities. All 57 participating States enjoy equal status, and decisions are taken by consensus on a politically, but not legally binding basis.

Free expression and free media are basic human rights. To ensure compliance with media-freedom commitments agreed upon by participating States, the Office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media (RFoM) was established in December 1997. The function of the Representative is to observe relevant media developments in OSCE participating States with a view to providing early warning on violations of freedom of expression. The Representative concentrates on rapid response to serious non-compliance with OSCE principles and commitments by participating States. In case of serious problems caused, for instance, by obstruction of media activities and unfavourable working conditions for journalists, the Representative seeks direct contacts with the participating State and other parties involved, assesses the facts and contributes to the resolution of the issue. Another task is to assist participating States by advocating and promoting full compliance with OSCE principles and commitments regarding freedom of expression and free media. Assistance is typically provided in the form of legal analyses of legislation, organizing conferences and roundtables during which best practices are shared and promoted, preparing topical publications and guidebooks on media freedom matters and providing training seminars for media and government officials.

Tasks and Responsibilities:

Under the direct supervision of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and in close co-operation with the Director to the Representative, as Senior Adviser, you will be tasked with the following:

  1. Providing overall supervision and political guidance on the monitoring efforts for a designated region and focal point of the office for that region;
  2. Assessing developments in view of suggestions for interventions to RFOM, including necessary political sensitivity and use of language;
  3. Contributing to regular reports by the RFOM for the OSCE Permanent Council;
  4. Contributing to reports on assessment visits conducted by the office, including editorial focal point for visits to designated region;
  5. Compiling and editing special reports on specific topics of freedom of the media;
  6. Establishing and maintaining contacts, as necessary, with relevant governmental officials, international organizations and institutions, as well as with specialized NGOs and the OSCE field presences, on issues of relevance to FOM’s mandate;
  7. Monitoring press freedom violations by: a) reviewing relevant networks, correspondents and media freedom advocacy contacts and talking to and maintaining regular contacts with journalists’ associations in the designated region; b) analyzing public policy, legislation and state practice affecting freedom of the media in the designated region; c) checking/following political and legal developments affecting freedom of expression in the designated region and preparing comprehensive analyses, notes and reports;
  8. Representing the Office at seminars, conferences and meetings, including delivering statements, papers and speeches reflecting the position of the FOM with regard to freedom of expression and free media;
  9. Liaising with consultants and experts outside of RFOM, especially when supervising the production of commissioned reports or studies;
  10. In close contact with the public outreach colleagues, planning and organizing public relations activities to promote better understanding of the RFOM’s aims and activities, including maintaining close contacts with OSCE missions;
  11. Co-ordinating and managing relevant financial activities (project proposals, auditing of activities, budget contributions, evaluation, reporting);
  12. Performing other duties as assigned, also outside the designated region.

Necessary Qualifications:

  • Second-level university degree in political science, media studies, history, law, journalism or another related field; a first-level university degree in combination with two years of additional qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the second-level university degree;
  • A minimum of eight years of progressively responsible experience, including practical experience in the field of media, media freedom advocacy, human rights or related experience within the OSCE or another international organization;
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English; working knowledge of Russian language and/or other OSCE working languages is desirable;
  • Demonstrated gender awareness and sensitivity, and an ability to integrate a gender perspective into tasks and activities;
  • Ability and willingness to work as a member of team, with people of different cultural, and religious backgrounds, different gender, and diverse political views, while maintaining impartiality and objectivity;
  • Computer literate with practical experience using Microsoft applications.

If you wish to apply for this position, please use the OSCE’s online application link found under

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