AmericaBy RegionCareersVolunteering Opportunities

Andean Immersion Volunteer Project

Experience traditional indigenous life while making a meaningful impact


Immerse yourself in the rich culture of a Quechua-speaking community in Peru’s Cusco region through the Andean Immersion Volunteer Project. This program offers volunteers the opportunity to live with a local family, participate in daily tasks, and learn about traditional practices. By contributing to farming, construction, domestic chores, and educational activities, volunteers help improve the quality of life in these remote villages. The project is fully hosted and includes accommodation, meals, airport pick-up, orientation, and 24/7 support. Discover the stunning countryside of Peru, visit the iconic Machu Picchu, and make a positive impact on traditional communities.


International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ)


Cusco, Peru


Affordable fees starting from $470 for 1 week

Volunteer Requirements:

  • Fluent English language skills
  • Minimum age of 16 (volunteers under 18 require parental consent and additional documentation)
  • Volunteers aged 18 and above must provide a criminal background check
  • Adequate volunteer travel insurance is mandatory


  • Assist with farming, animal husbandry, construction, and domestic chores
  • Learn traditional weaving and natural dye techniques
  • Teach English classes and support educational activities
  • Engage in local festivals and gatherings

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