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Job Transitions and Career Changes

Navigating Job Transitions and Career Changes


Career transitions are like onions. They’re complex, with layers that go beyond what we see on the surface. Whether you’re contemplating a passion project, considering leaving your current job, or simply seeking change, it’s essential to approach this decision thoughtfully. Let’s explore some key aspects:

Why Do You Want to Change?

    • Reflect on your motivations. Is it the organizational culture, colleagues, or other factors that prompt you to seek something new?
    • Be radically honest with yourself. Understand the root cause of your desire for change.

What Do You Want to Do?

    • Conduct a self-assessment. Know where you currently stand and where you want to go.
    • Write down the steps needed to reach your goals and anticipate potential challenges.

When Will the Change Happen?

    • Be realistic about the time required. Some transitions take longer than others.
    • Avoid setting unrealistic goals within impractical timeframes.

Remember, even Amazon’s founder, Jeff Bezos, faced uncertainty when he considered quitting his hedge fund job to sell books online. Good investors evaluate risks, yet he ventured into the unknown1.

  1. The Right Way to Make a Big Career Transition (Harvard Business Review)

Feel free to explore these sources for further insights and guidance. Best of luck on your career journey! 🚀

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