708th Science, Social Science, and Economics Conference
Fostering Interdisciplinary Research and Innovations in Science, Social Science, and Economics

The 1708th International Conference on Science, Social Science, and Economics (IC3SE) organized by Academics World is scheduled to take place in Bucharest, Romania. This conference aims to bring together leading researchers, scholars, and practitioners to exchange knowledge and share their experiences in the fields of science, social science, and economics. It provides a premier interdisciplinary platform to discuss the latest innovations, trends, practical challenges, and solutions in these areas.
Date: March 23-24, 2024 Location: Bucharest, Romania Organizer: Academics World Application Deadline: March 8, 2024 Contact Email: info@academicsworld.org
The Conference will be organized by Academics World.
Important Notifications:
- Participate in the 1708th International Conference on Science, Social Science, and Economics (IC3SE) to contribute to interdisciplinary research and innovations.
- Network with renowned speakers and experts from various disciplines.
- Call for research abstracts, papers, and e-posters in science, social science, and economics.
- All submitted papers will undergo a blind peer review process.
- Selected conference papers will be published in indexed journals and submitted for indexing in platforms like Thomson Reuters, CiteSeerX, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, and ProQuest.
- The conference proceedings will be published with ISBN numbers.
- Excellent papers presented during the conference will be assigned an online DOI.